Parliamentary advocacy
We engage and build trusted relationships with parliamentarians and develop champions in Parliament to increase political will to support the eradication of poverty.
We work with parliamentarians to build their knowledge of the issues we work on so that they are able to effectively hold the Australian Government to account on its international aid and development work. It also enables them to advocate for Australian official development assistance (ODA) to be spent equitably and sustainably, to push for policy changes, and to build support among parliamentarians for initiatives that work to end global poverty.
working with
We provide parliamentarians with briefings, research and information to help them to ask questions in Parliament and speak authoritatively in debates on topics such as global health security, poverty alleviation, global education and other international development issues.
Throughout the year we organise a number of events to engage parliamentarians on key issue areas and connect them with leading figures on the topic. These events aim to raise awareness of a particular issue or to mark a significant international event, with speakers from academia, government ministers, senior figures from international institutions, civil society advocates, and individuals with lived experience of the issue.
parliamentary groups
Results Australia acts as the secretariat to the Australian TB Caucus and works closely with our other civil society partners to further influence the Australian Government to mobilise resources for issues of poverty.
We organise events such as roundtable discussions, and publish reports on specific issues for consideration by key stakeholders, parliamentarians and the Australian Government.
Occasionally we lead international delegations that enable parliamentarians to gain first-hand experience of the development programmes that Australia supports, and to meet people living and working in affected communities and listen to their needs.
Our delegations are run in conjunction with international partners that work in the country, and involve visiting programmes such as community health clinics, meeting with local leaders and business owners, and members of the government of that country.