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How we work
Results is a non-partisan and non-profit international aid and development agency operating in Australia for more than 35 years. We mobilise a national network of Advocates with a shared mission to end extreme poverty.
Why Results is effective, unique and powerful
Rather than building a large staff and operational presence in Australia, our primary focus is on getting money to where it's needed most: to communities in need. We deliberately keep our operations compact and overheads low so we can focus our efforts on leveraging millions in government funding for vital health, education and nutrition initiatives throughout the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
Results is one of only two development agencies dedicated to advocating for global health equity in Australia. We believe that, no matter where people are born, everyone should have equal opportunities to fulfil their potential in life. This means having access to decent health care, quality education, good nutrition and economic opportunity. We recognise that health is both a leading driver and consequence of poverty, and focus our advocacy on ensuring good health for all people.
Our model of advocacy
Our advocacy takes three complementary forms: grassroots, policy and parliamentary. Combining these different approaches to advocacy in a coordinated way makes the whole greater than the sum of the individual parts, and our vision of a world free from poverty.
For many years, our grassroots advocacy has been the cornerstone of our efforts to achieve systemic change. For more than 35 years, we have trained, organised and mobilised everyday people to use their voice to influence policy decisions. This groundswell of support ensures the Australian Government plays its part as a good international citizen.
Results has a proud history of respectful and evidence based advocacy. For decades, we’ve worked diplomatically with parliamentarians across all sides of politics, and have developed high trust relationships with political leaders and senior government officials.
Additionally, our strength lies in our trusted expertise and global partnerships. We access the latest intelligence and identify the highest priority solutions to multiply our impact. Using the power of conversation, education and evidence-based advocacy, Results plays a unique role in ending global poverty.
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