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Results Australia

to end


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We are


We're building
a better world

You can help us
end poverty

Charity can move millions, but advocacy
can move billions.

Results International (Australia) is a non-partisan international aid and development organisation. We advocate directly to Australian Parliamentarians with the aim of leveraging millions of dollars in Government funding for the world's poorest communities. We believe that no matter where people are born, everyone should have equal opportunities to fulfil their potential in life.

What we do...


the Government to invest and mobilise significant funding to tackle causes of extreme poverty.


across Australia to raise awareness for issues of global poverty, and for issues that affect women and girls.


political support to strengthen access to healthcare, education and nutrition for the world's most vulnerable people.


for policies that support those facing extreme poverty in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

The latest from Results Australia

“No other organisation has been as critical a partner to eradicate poverty and empower women than Results.”
Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate
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